God opens a new way for UCE Morogoro

By Herman Nguki, Morogoro, Tanzania (December 2013)- My dear brother, I have good news to report. God has paved the way for UCE Morogoro. We have long been searching for a way forward to reach more youths in schools in Morogoro. Because of hindrances we faced the last time we tried to schedule outreaches at some schools (especially private ones), I fought for some months to get a regional permit to hold abstinence promotion in any school and at any time.

God has replied  to our cries! In the beginning of this month, I received a Regional permit from the Regional Executive Secretary of Morogoro to hold seminars and outreaches to any school at any time! Any head of school will not be able to constrain us or send us away. I was given also a list of all secondary schools from each district and the municipal council plus names of heads of schools to ensure easy follow up. It really encouraged me and I hope it will open a new door for the spread of the UCE message in this region, where the HIV statistics are rising rapidly. The effective implementation will start soon after the Christmas and New Year holidays as all schools have been closed for that purpose.

Your Young brother,
