Nearly 7,000 youth commit to chastity in Gulu as the UCE message spreads

By Walubo Jude, Gulu, Uganda (November)- The past months we have been working to spread the message of chastity in the new ground of Gulu where there is a plentiful harvest waiting to be reaped. In these past months, we reached 29 schools and established 13 new chastity clubs. 9,045 youth received the message, and 6,913 signed chastity pledges, committing to abstain from sex until marriage. We were also privileged to speak to 20 catechists from 20 Catholic churches in Gulu. The catechists translated the UCE message into Acholi (the local language). They are now sharing it in their schools and churches. Our presence and work in Gulu continues to bear good fruit and we thank God for the successful outreaches conducted and for our UCE supporters.

The UCE, team composed of Fr. Okello, Jude, Lydia, Mercy, Achan, Odong, Andrew, Florence, Michael, Carol, Peter, Vincent and Christine delivered the UCE message to youth in the rural villages. In all of the schools we visited, the teachers, priests and local pastors were extremely willing to cooperate and work alongside of our vision of promoting chastity through Jesus Christ. It was an amazing experience to witness the excitement accompanied with thunderous shouts of joy, when our outreach team members shared their own testimonies about how they are living chaste lives.

Each of the 29 schools has its own story, but one school, on the road to Sudan, touched our hearts because where sin abounds, God’s grace abounds all the more. When we arrived at Trinity High School, the head teacher quickly ushered us into her office and explained the situation. She said, “I read your letter and saw what you do. Many of my students are getting pregnant. Just last week, 7 girls were found to be pregnant. We have tried to teach students how to do the right things, but most of them are stubborn and are at a big risk of getting HIV/AIDS.”

So, we began our outreach to these 270 students with prayer and a worship song. I shared my testimony of how HIV/AIDS has affected my family and how I lost my dear sister. Mercy also shared her testimony, telling students how the choice of abstinence helped her avoid STDs and pregnancy. She shared how that choice has also helped her excel in school and that she is a medical student now. Fr. Okello talked about abstinence, and God’s plan for youth. “God wants you to excel, to grow up with a healthy mind and body. That is God’s plan.” At first as we began the outreach, the students were not very attentive. They were excited and making some noise, but as we prayed and began to give the message, their faces changed. There was complete silence as every ear listened. During the question time, many wrote questions on how one can begin abstaining if they are already sexually active. We emphasized secondary abstinence and forgiveness of the Lord. When we made a call for chastity, 250 students moved forward and signed the chastity pledge. Fr. Okello prayed with all the students and gave them a blessing.

The head teacher was so happy and thanked UCE. She said she believes that with the message of UCE, her school will prevent teenage pregnancy and will never be the same again.

After the outreach, Mercy, took time to counsel one student who was troubled. She needed advice on how she was going to raise school fees after making a chastity pledge. Her situation is one we often encounter, that of older men who pay school fees for young girls in exchange for sex. The student said the outreach helped her realize that her life is more important and that by not abstaining, she was putting her life in danger. After talking with Mercy, she also plans to start a small business at home to make some money for school fees. I often share my own story of how I used to sell fish as a young boy to raise school fees, and how I even had to protect my sister from men who sought to abuse her.

Here are some few of the many who also shared their testimonies during the outreaches:

“I want to be like Joseph in Genesis.” 19-year-old Moses said he was quickly ruining his life and studies because of drugs and having sex with an older and powerful woman for money. He was living with guilt, knowing that he was not doing the right thing. When the UCE team emphasized that Jesus forgives sin, Moses responded to the chastity call and made a decision to accept Christ, stating that he wants to have a new way of living his life.

Charles gave his life to Jesus at one outreach after almost giving up on life. He said, “I am happy for the message of UCE. When it came to me, it could not have come at a better time. I am now growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and I am growing to love my life and my relationship with God.” Charles said he is now trusting God for reconciliation with his parents. He said they got tired of him due to his violent and stubborn behavior towards them. He now feels restored and renewed because of the UCE message.

“Our students lack medical education but have become enlightened through the UCE program to keep away from sexual immorality. We wish that many more programs would be conducted in the future through the UCE to bring the medical information and the preaching of Jesus Christ. Your program has helped very much to drive away STDs and to usher in good behavior.” -Head Teacher, St. Patrick Secondary School